Weekly Update-Marathon Training WK 8

I’ve been a bit of a slacker on the weekly updates. Life has been a bit hectic. But I can’t complain too much. I’m still surviving. That’s all that matters. So here goes.
My sister is for sure moving back to AZ. I decided that I will not stress about this. I am going to miss her very much. We have always been together through everything and it will be rough not to have her here. But if this is what she needs to make her happy, I fully support her. Once again, I’m faced with the challenge of figuring out how to survive. I’m pretty much car-less during the coldest part of the year. It’s not fun but I’ll get through it. Thankfully I have some great co-workers who are nice enough to give me rides sometimes.
I’m just holding out for my tax return so that I can buy a simple car to transport me to work, the gym and to school. This are my only needs in life at the moment. Well, maybe some fun too.

Last week was really good in the training department. I’ve been increasing my speed in small increments throughout my runs to build stamina. I need to do this in order to be able to handle running in the outside conditions, once the weather permits.
I’ve also been doing some yoga designed especially for runners. It’s been a new challenge and that always excites me. Here’s why I accomplished this last week:
Monday- 4 Miles
Tuesday-4 Miles
Wednesday- REST
Thursday- 3 Miles
Friday- 4 Miles
Saturday- Yoga
Sunday- REST
Until next week, I leave you with this:

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.

Weekly Update-Marathon Training WK 5

Here I am with the weekly doo da. Tonight I’m updating live from my bathtub, very toasty on red wine.
It was a lovely week filled with lots of food, alcohol, family time, holiday fun, not nearly enough exercise and a much needed mini vacation.
The week started off with crushes left and right. I realized that I have a thing for my one of my co-workers whom I refuse to persue. He is taken. I will not get wrapped up in that situation again, I promised myself. Either way, he’s a cool a guy and we understand each other. We’ve been talking a little and I guess it just feels nice to have that interaction again. It’s been forever.
I baked a birthday cake for a co-worker and everyone fell in love with my Vegan baking skills. Big surprise. It was nice.
My cousin, sister and I all went home for Christmas. By that I mean Sebring, my family’s Ohio hometown. It was my first time I was able to celebrate the holiday with all of them. I was truly thankful for that experience. We visited my grandmother in the hospital, cooked food, watched Christmas movies, drank a lot, laughed and finally played Just Dance 3 on my final night there. That game is so fun. I will always have great memories of this Christmas. I’m a pretty lucky lady.
Now for the training update. Since it was the holiday and due to the fact that I was out of town for 4 days, I didn’t get in as much gym time. I did however top my all-time longest distance run. I ran 7 miles straight. It was really painful during the actual run and the next day I felt like I was hit by a train. But it was completely worth it and I am just one step closer to my goal. In fact, I am already half way there. One short month ago my longest run was 3 miles and now it is 7. Progress is happening on more of a slower pace as I add more distance but at least it’s still happening. So it’s definitely back to the grind this week and I’m ready to push myself even harder.

“I run because it’s so symbolic of life. You have to drive yourself to overcome the obstacles. You might feel that you can’t. But then you find your inner strength, and realize you’re capable of so much more than you thought.”
–Arthur Blank

Weekly Update-Marathon Training W4

A little late but here I am with the weekly update. It was a good week overall. Had fun at work. Flirted with so many men. (I think I’m in heat or something…) added some new things to my home, decorated for Christmas and had some good conversations with family and friends. On Saturday it started snowing in the late morning through afternoon. It barely stuck for about an hour and then was gone but it was nice while it lasted. I went to a holiday party that night. It felt great to dress up, I rarely get the opportunity to do so lately, and I met some new people as well.
As far as the training goes, I’m not all that impressed with how many overall miles I ran this last week. But I gave it my all and that’s all that matters. I keep moving forward and I have to remind myself that all this is really tough on my body and I have to give it time to adjust. I have to balance out being so hard on myself with rewarding myself for what I’ve already accomplished. Here’s what this week consisted of:
Monday: 4 Miles
Tuesday: 3.5 Miles
Wednesday: 3 Miles
Thursday: REST
Friday: 3 Miles
Saturday: REST
Sunday: Yoga

Theme for this next week:
No Pain, No Gain.

Weekly Update-Marathon Training WK 3

This last week was really great. I’m starting to actually enjoy my job a little as well as the people I work with. My boss, who I originally thought was the most horrible person I’ve ever worked for, is starting to grow on me. We are gaining a decent understanding of each other. Other highlights of the week as follows:
I went ice skating for the first time since New York. I did horrible but had fun. Looking forward to improving my skills during this long winter
Mid-week I stopped by the store to pick up some dinner on my way home from work. I was starving, had barely eaten all day and had done way too much exercise on an empty stomach. Long story short, my debit card became demagnetized so the cashier had to call for a manager to figure out some stuff. It was taking forever so this nice lady behind me, with her husband and two kids, offered to pay for my dinner. At first, I declined nicely but she insisted. I graciously accepted. It was such a nice thing and really made my night. That night we also got our first snowfall. It wasn’t cold enough to stick but it was
still quite beautiful.
On Saturday I found out that I am getting my deposit back from New York. I had given up because my landlord was a huge jerk but I am so glad to know I get that money back. Hopefully now I can afford a car by next month with that and my tax return, just in time to start school in the spring.
All that plus the weekly trip to the radio show, made a new friend with a super rad chick, poker night at my cousins house, ladies dinner night, a couple new successful recipes and I put up my Christmas lights. This coming week I am finally going to buy my ticket for my AZ visit. Cannot wait to see everyone back home. I’ve been feeling incredibly homesick lately.
The marathon training is staying on track pretty well. I don’t feel as though I progressed as much as I wanted to this week but I didn’t go backwards at all and I can always feel myself getting slightly stronger as each week passes. Here’s what I accomplished this week:

Monday: 3 miles
Tuesday: 4 miles
Wednesday: 5 miles
Thursday: REST
Friday: 6 miles
Saturday: 3 miles
Sunday: Yoga

By the way, everyone check out my friends at the “Nut Up or Shut Up” show, especially if you could use a laugh. They really kick ass.

Have a great week everyone 🙂

Marathon Training- Week Two+Added Bonus

I just finished my second consecutive week of marathon training. It was undoubtedly more difficult than the first but I am feeling stronger. Here’s what I accomplished this week:
Monday: 4 Miles
Tuesday: 4 Miles
Wednesday: 2 1/2 Miles
Thursday: Much needed REST
Friday: 6 Miles!! Yay for me 🙂
Saturday: 2 Mile Walk
Sunday: REST

It’s getting more difficult to beat my furthest run every week but feels even more rewarding when I do so.

Next topic. I had a really fun weekend. All my neighbors and I got together for an after Thanksgiving potluck dinner party. It was such a great time and I remembered how lucky I am to have some wonderful people surrounding my home. And of course any opportunity to cook and try out new recipes and I am a happy girl.

Tonight I looked further into nursing schools while visiting with my cousin. She’s currently a nurse and really wants to help me achieve my dream as well. Turns out the same school I had applied for and was hoping to attend in Phoenix, also has a campus here. Two years ago, before my world temporarily crumbled after a breakup and constant verbal abuse, I was very close to starting school. I now know why my path was derailed. There was so much I needed to sort out within myself before I was ready to seriously focus on something so important to me. I’m ready now an I’ve found a place to settle down while I do so. So I re-printed my study guide for the entrance exam and am going to start studying at every free moment. I’m excited 🙂

Life is going smoothly for the most part and I’m actually really looking forward to Christmas this year.

Marathon Training-Week One


I’ve finished my first week of marathon training. I’ll be honest in saying it was definitely quite brutal but not as difficult as I imagined. I pushed myself to the limit and it was definitely worth it. These beginning stages are exciting. I’m feeling so tired but hopeful that my tolerance and endurance will continue to increase. Here is what I accomplished this last week.
Monday: 4 miles
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: 5 miles- The highlight of my week and a great accomplishment.
Thursday: REST (Thanksgiving)
Friday: 3 miles
Saturday: 3 mile walk
Sunday: REST

This week I will increase my total miles by a little. I’ll be back with another update next week. Feeling good 🙂